Monday, November 8, 2010

Part II

I never thought I'd say it, but Ulysses is getting better. Having reached Part II, The Bloom section, I am much relieved! I know almost all of the words, it is predominately in English, there is punctuation, and the text is most like a novel. Fancy that! By using the Gifford Annotated, e-notes with my e-version at home, and Cliffs Notes, I may get through this by Christmas. My goal is to make it to the first tab of Part II during dinner.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First 25

I have read the first 25 pages of Ulysses, more by the time I am actually typing this. In truth, then, I am reading Ulysses. I eagerly await the day when I can say, "I have read Ulysses" because this undertaking is no beach read. My annotated volume arrived, much to my relief, and I have gone back through the notes of what I have read to get current. Jeepers! I'm reminded of some of my uncle's poetry. The poems were so word/idea complex that his footnotes ran for many more pages than the poems themselves.

I keep reminding myself that our patron read it so I should be able to. I mentioned to Erica that there were words I didn't know and proper nouns that I wasn't sure if they were people or places. Finally I saw the word, "valise" and was so excited..." means suitcase!!!" I know a word!!! This will be a long voyage, I fear.